Ridge Pointe
What equipment do I need?

We have used equipment for our "XFX" Kickboxing class, but we recommend buying Boxing Gloves and Focus Mitts; which you can purchase at our gym or you can also purchase these items at most sporting goods stores. Our classes are an intense workout so we recommend bringing a towel.

Do I have to wait for a specific start date?

You can start the program at any time, because of monthly payment plans for "XFX" Kickboxing memberships can be easy prorated. If you would like to become a member and take "XFX" Kickboxing classes you can come in at any time.

Do I have to have previous kickboxing experience?

No, we encourage everyone whether you have taken kickboxing or not to attend a Ridge Pointe Xtreme kickboxing class. An orientation is given to everyone prior to the first class, which includes the punches and kicks needed during the class.

Are there age restrictions?

There are no age restrictions. If a young adult under the age of 18 is interested, a parent/guardian must sign for him or her to take a class.

Are the classes coed?

Yes, we have both male and female members and the classes are mixed.

Am I restricted to a certain number of classes per week?

Once you become a "XFX" Kickboxing Member you can take an unlimited number of kickboxing classes for the duration of your membership.

What are the membership rates?

Please feel free to pick up a rate sheet at the front desk or office. We also have rates posted on our Webpage: www.rpfaa.com

"XFX" Kickboxing
This is a high intensity workout that burns fat quickly is “Xtreme Fitness KickboXing”. This fast paced, action packed exercise regimen can burn up to 1000 calories per hour. “Xtreme Fitness KickboXing” is a combination of martial arts, boxing and aerobics in one fun class. This type of dynamic exercise can whip anyone into shape fast. Here are some do’s and don’ts for the beginning “Xtreme Fitness KickboXing”.

Do start slow when first beginning “Xtreme Fitness KickboXing” workout. This can help you learn the moves correctly. By learning the proper technique, there is a smaller chance for
Do drink plenty of water before, during and after the workout. Stay hydrated. Try to drink half of your body weight in water ounces per day. Maintaining a proper hydration will help       your body work more efficiently.
Do make sure you stretch before the workout. Stretching and warming up are good ways to prevent injuries and muscle soreness.
Do wear wrist and ankle supports if need, because this workout involves a lot of kicking and moving around, you need good support for your body. Shoes that are higher on the ankle
    are ideal because they give the ankle area more support. Just make sure they are soft on the bottoms for the mats. Make sure bottoms are clean
Do release stress. Kickboxing is a great way to get out all of that frustration and stress from the week. Punch and kick it away! But do not hit your partners!

Don’t exercise beyond what you can handle. Kickboxing is a high intensity workout. Do not feel pressured to complete an entire hour long class initially. Make your workout goal to
    get up to that amount of time.
Don’t overextend or lock your kicks or punches into any position. Locking into a position can create problems with your joints.
Don’t forget to warm up or cool down. Doing a slow warm up gets those muscles ready for the fight. In a class, they typically incorporate a warm up at the beginning of the class
    and cool down at the end of the workout. These usually last a few minutes but they are extremely beneficial to the muscles.
Don’t over train. Overexertion can cause many problems. If you are completing a workout and cannot breath, take a few minutes to rest. Do not be afraid to stop and get a drink
    of water. You should be able to carry on a conversation during this exercise. If you are not able to, then you are training too hard. Slow the pace.
Don’t forget to take a rest day when your body needs it. A few days a week are best when first starting. Your muscles have worked hard and they deserve a day to repair and rest.  
    Initially start kickboxing about three to four days a week. Do not over do it.
Don’t ever try punching too hard with your partners using focus mitts. Hitting to hard while using focus mitts leads to injuries in the hands, arms, and shoulders, so be a great partner     
    that everyone wants to workout with. If you feel the need to show off or just want to hit hard go to the heavy bags and bang all day!
Don’t be negative when working with others. Always encourage your partner in a positive way to do their best, because you have a hand in keeping your partners coming back
     in to train with you! Always be the one everyone wants to train with! Make that your goal and you will always get a great workout!

Xtreme Fitness KickboXing” is a wonderful workout. It burns fat and calories fast. It tones the body quickly. One even learns some valuable moves for self defense. This fast paced, fun workout can be enjoyed by people of all ages and exercise ability. Give it a try! You’re body will be glad you did.